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Public support for climate action on the up after dark days: Climate Institute survey

The Conversation‘s James Whitmore, interviewing Will Grant and the University of Queensland’s Matt McDonald, writes (26.9.16) about a rise in public support for government action on climate change, as measured by the Climate Institute.

‘Public support for action on climate change is rebounding despite political uncertainty, according to survey results released today by The Climate Institute.

‘According to the poll, 65% of Australians think the nation should take a leadership position and 77% agree that climate change is happening, up from 70% in 2015.

‘The Climate Institute’s chief executive, John Connor, said that “public support on renewable energy and climate change is the strongest it’s been since 2008”.

‘Before then, a combination of drought, international action and bipartisan support for emissions trading had driven climate support to its highest level.’

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