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Queensland passes ‘Clive Palmer’ law to protect state from resource clean-ups

Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (22.4.16) on Parliament passing environmental laws that will force resources companies to ‘clean up’ mine sites once operations have finished, to prevent lasting environmental damage.

‘After cleaning up its legislation, the Queensland Labor government won the right to force resource companies to clean up their sites – even in the event of administration – with the bill referred to as the “Clive Palmer legislation” passing in the early hours of the morning, with the support of the LNP.

‘Environment Minister Steven Miles had introduced the bill last month, in the wake of the Queensland Nickel situation, with the intention of forcing resource companies, using Mr Palmer’s Townsville refinery as an example, to meet their environmental responsibilities, even if they go bust.

‘Previously, taxpayers were left to foot the bill for environmental clean-ups on mine and related sites if the resource company which ran the project entered administration.’

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