‘Safety reset’ at all Queensland mines and quarries following deaths

Felicity Caldwell reports in the Brisbane Times (9.7.19) about concerns in Queensland’s mining industry over workers’ safety, following a spate of deaths at mine sites over the past six months.

‘A “safety reset” for the mining industry will be a top priority discussed at a crisis meeting called following the deaths of six workers.

‘The Queensland government has called an emergency meeting for Wednesday afternoon, with about 70 people to gather at Parliament House to identify immediate and longer-term measures to improve safety and health for the state’s 49,000 mine and quarry workers.

‘Invitees include Natural Resources Minister Anthony Lynham, senior executives from Queensland mining companies, unions, the Queensland Resources Council, the state’s independent Mines Safety and Health Commissioner and the Chief Inspector of Mines.

‘But the opposition says the state does not need another “talk fest” on mine safety.

‘Dr Lynham said he wanted the forum to decide on operational details of a statewide “safety reset” at all mines and quarries to refocus attention on safety in the workplace, longer-term industry initiatives and actions required by the state’s regulator or government.’

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