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Senate passes watered down legislation on renewable energy

The Guardian (24.6.15) reports that ‘Legislation to reduce the renewable energy target from 41,000 kilowatt hours to 33,000 kilowatt hours has passed both houses of parliament. The Senate sat late on Tuesday to pass the bill.

‘Labor and the Coalition struck a deal on the target in May after a months-long standoff that the renewables industry said undermined investment.

‘Plans to review the RET every two years and to include the burning of native wood in the target proved to be sticking points for Labor in the negotiation of the deal. The government eventually dropped plans for biennial reviews.

“The 33,000 gigawatt hour renewable energy target will not be reviewed until 2020,” said the environment minister, Greg Hunt. “This will give the renewable energy industry the certainty it needs to grow.”’

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