Stephan Lewandowsky writes in The Conversation (11.8.16) about the recently elected One Nation senator from Queensland, Malcolm Roberts, ‘who fervently rejects the establish scientific fact that human greenhouse gas emissions cause climate change, invoking a fairly familiar trop of paranoid theories to propound this belief’.
‘Conspiracism, the Galileo gambit and the use of sciency-sounding language to mislead are the three principal characteristics of science denial. Whenever one or more of them is present, you can be confident you’re listening to a debate about politics or ideology, not science.’
- The Galileo gambit and other stories: the three main tactics of climate denial »
- Climate sceptic or climate denier? It’s not that simple and here’s why »
- Not everyone cares about climate change, but reproach won’t change their minds »
- Why old-school climate denial has had its day »
- Fossil fuel industry and climate denial »
- Exxon funded climate deniers »