In response to a call for public input towards the Palaszczuk Government’s proposed new policy on mine site rehabilitation, the TJ Ryan Foundation has prepared a submission to the consultation process. This builds upon positions put forward at a recent ‘mining policy hackathon’ co-sponsored by the Foundation and UQ’s Sustainable Minerals Institute. A copy of the Foundation’s submission and documentation from the hackathon process, as well as the government’s discussion paper regarding the proposed policy, can be accessed through the links below.
‘On 20 April 2017, the TJ Ryan Foundation hosted a “hackathon” together with the Sustainable Minerals Institute of the Universtity of Queensland to examine new approaches to mine site rehabilitation.
‘Approximately 38 content-rich policy offficers, scholars and practitioners from several departments, the mining industry, academe and civil society attended and deliberated in structured brainstorming format under Chatham House rules on the remedies needed for Queensland’s mining oversight regime. A strength of the event was the frank interchange across disciplinary, portfolio and sectoral silos. Unfortunately, despite invitations, Queensland Treasury did not register.
‘The event focused not on the technical – scientific and engineering – aspects of mine rehabilitation, but rather on the governance, policy and financial aspects.
‘The provisional findings of the event are embedded in this submission. Many of these findings are relevant to the discussion paper Better Mine Rehabilitation for Queensland, which was not available at the date of the hackathon.’
- TJ Ryan Foundation submission 15.6.17 »
- Summary report of mining policy hackathon »
- Presentation slides from mining policy hackathon »
- QLD Treasury – Better Mine Rehabilitation for Queensland »
- Better Mine Rehabilitation for Queensland discussion paper »
- TJ Ryan Foundation submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications »