Turnbull government orders CSIRO U-turn towards climate science

Nicole Hasham and Peter Hartcher report in the Sydney Morning Herald (4.8.16) on a directive from the new Science Minister, Greg Hunt, that the CSIRO should renew its focus on climate science, in an apparent turn-around from recent government plans to slash the science agency’s climate change monitoring capacity.

‘New Science Minister Greg Hunt has ordered a major U-turn in the direction of the CSIRO, reviving climate research as a bedrock function just months after the national science agency slashed climate staff and programs.

‘Mr Hunt, the former environment minister, told Fairfax Media he has instructed CSIRO’s executives and board to “put the focus back on climate science”, adding: “This is not an optional component, it’s critical”.

‘The new strategy, to be devised over the next three months, includes 15 new climate science jobs and research investment worth $37 million over 10 years.

‘”I’ve issued a ministerial directive … that we will make climate science a core activity, that we will strengthen and build capacity,” Mr Hunt said.’

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