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Glyn Davis’s policymaking podcast about opening the conversation

Professor Glyn Davis AC, the former top mandarin who (along with Peter Bridgman) wrote the book on Australian policymaking, finds time in his ‘new’ life as University of Melbourne Vice-Chancellor to host The Policy Shop podcast. He tells The Mandarin‘s Harley Dennett it’s a modest contribution for more varied public debate.

‘Academics and public servants — two professions not generally known for their accessibility, or even speaking the same language, but both critical for the formation of good policy. Can they be brought together? In starting his new monthly podcast The Policy Shop, Professor Glyn Davis is tackling that and the larger issue of how to involve more of the community in Australia’s policy conversations.

‘So far, Davis has tackled thorny topics such as housing affordability, media ownership and higher education reform, bringing in subject matter experts and leaving out partisan politics.’

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