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Aurukun needs plan that will stand test of time: Cook MP Bill Gordon

Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (26.5.16) on the current troubles rocking the indigenous community of Aurukun in far north Queensland. She speaks with Independent MP for Cook, Billy Gordon, about the need for community-led recovery and plans for future stability.

‘As the Premier flies to Aurukun for an emergency meeting on how the troubled community can move forward, Cook MP Billy Gordon says whatever plan is put in place needs to be led by the community – and stay in place, instead of altered by successive governments.

‘The Labor-turned-independent member’s comments came as debate broke out about how best to deal with the small community’s problems, with Aboriginal elder Noel Pearson firing back at criticism from federal MP Warren Entsch.

‘Ms Palaszczuk, Police Minister Bill Byrne and Education Minister Kate Jones will head to the remote Cape community on Friday for a meeting with elders, leaders and concerned residents, after a series of incidents saw teachers evacuated from the town for the second time this month.

‘The Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy will remain closed for at least six weeks, with a decision regarding its re-opening not being made until after the July holiday break.’

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