The Sydney Morning Herald reports (25.1.16) that the former army chief, Australian of the Year, David Morrison, who is now chair of Diversity Council Australia, has said that ‘for reasons beyond education and professional qualifications or willingness to contribute or a desire to be a part of our society … too many of our fellow Australians are denied the opportunity to reach their potential.’
It happens because of their gender, because of the god they believe in, because of their racial heritage, because they’re not able-bodied, because of their sexual orientation.
General Morrison retired as army chief last year, and has not been tempted since to join the ranks of former top brass who critique national security policy. But he gave several other signals at the Australia Day awards ceremony that he will not be shy about expressing controversial opinions during 2016.
‘General Morrison began his speech by acknowledging that Australia Day was one of “emotional conflict” for Indigenous Australians, rather than a time of celebration.’
- Australian of the Year 2016 condemns Australian inequalities »
- Massacres and protest: Australia Day’s undeniable history »
- Why a separate holiday for Indigenous Australians misses the point »
- Celebrating nationhood on 26 January has become a gratuitous act of hostility »
- All Australians, but especially Scott Morrison, must tell the truth about our violent history »
- Toxicity swirls around January 26, but we can change the nation with a Voice to parliament »
- OPINION: So you want to celebrate 26 January? I’ve got a few questions for you »