Paul Karp reports in The Guardian (14.1.23) on increasing political partisanship around the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament, likening the Opposition Leader’s criticism of the government’s planned Voice referendum to former PM John Howard’s undermining of the 1999 republic referendum.
‘Peter Dutton’s opening salvo of the political year, demanding more detail on the Indigenous voice, may have sounded like more of the usual complaints.
‘In a letter to Anthony Albanese, the opposition leader accused the prime minister of an “unreasonable” and “disrespectful” decision to deprive Australians of details about the Indigenous body. A list of 15 questions was attached.
‘Some of the questions have already been clearly answered by the government. Will the voice be purely advisory? Answer: yes. Another, about how the government will define Aboriginality, was quickly dismissed by First Nations referendum working group member, Tom Calma, as a “non-issue” because it does so all the time.
‘… From the Liberals’ perspective, this tactic is about ensuring voters have complete information. But from the perspective of those who want the body established, it’s a replay of John Howard’s tactic to kill the republican referendum by splitting the votes of those in favour into those who could or could not accept a particular model.’
- Peter Dutton’s approach to referendum on Indigenous voice straight from John Howard’s playbook »
- Nationals declare they will oppose the ‘Voice’ referendum »
- Why do the Nationals oppose the Indigenous voice and do their arguments stand up to scrutiny? »
- Could the Nationals’ refusal to support a Voice to Parliament derail the referendum? »
- Albanese insists Voice will help ‘close the gap’, as divisions flare in Nationals »
- Voice to parliament: no campaign targets older Australians as yes group goes after young »
- ‘Blak Greens’ say they won’t support Indigenous voice without treaty negotiations »
- Indigenous Voice to parliament: Invasion Day rallies in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane will campaign against the Voice »
- Peter Dutton’s push for draft bill before voice referendum risks confusing voters, experts warn »
- Peter Dutton is giving Albanese a lose-lose proposition as his shadow campaign against the Indigenous voice escalates »
- Attorney general tells Dutton to show some ‘national leadership’ on Indigenous voice »
- Peter Dutton’s questions »
- ‘No’ campaign spoiling to muffle the Voice »
- Voice vote may demand blood in the water »
- Former deputy prime minister John Anderson joins group spearheading ‘no’ campaign on the Voice »
- Voice to parliament: Monarchist League blasts no campaign’s push for symbolic recognition as a ‘furphy’ »
- Voice bill to come before parliament next month with campaigning to kick into gear quickly »
- Peter Dutton’s Voice to Parliament questions may not be answered, says leading Uluru Statement author »
- Greens expected to support Indigenous voice to parliament after Lidia Thorpe quits party »
- Peter Dutton pushes for government to endorse single Voice to Parliament model »
- The return of Dr No – Peter Dutton blasted as out of touch »
- By turning his back on bipartisanship, Peter Dutton is poised to lose either way the voice referendum goes »
- Peter Dutton may be sorry for not saying sorry, but he’s still in no man’s land on the voice »
- View from The Hill: Dutton apologises for missing Apology’s symbolism but how will he see the Voice’s symbolism? »
- Peter Dutton accused of making public comments at odds with private Voice meetings »
- Greg Craven criticised for comments about voice referendum working group »
- ‘Re-election vanity project’: Sussan Ley derides Anthony Albanese’s voice referendum campaign »
- The Voice to Parliament yes campaign launches amid calls for the ‘progressive no’ to be heard »
- Ken Wyatt calls on Peter Dutton to give Liberals a conscience vote on the Voice to Parliament »
- Coalition demands Labor clarify definition of Aboriginality ahead of Voice to Parliament referendum
- Dutton declines to state position on voice referendum despite pressure on Liberals to decide stance
- Ken Wyatt warns Liberals that opposing Indigenous voice could add to ‘perceptions’ party is ‘racist’
- Peter Dutton is stuck in no-man’s land on the voice – and he risks cementing his reputation as a wrecker
- No campaign against Indigenous voice criticised for using ‘really dehumanising’ language
- Peter Dutton’s bid to tank the Indigenous voice is breathtaking – and locks him in as Abbott 2.0
- The Liberal Party’s ‘no’ position on Voice signals it’s primarily interested in speaking to a nation that no longer exists
- Ken Wyatt says Indigenous Voice to Parliament must be allowed to advise ministers
- Liberals’ only Indigenous MP backs Dutton on Voice
- Dutton’s ‘no’ vote reflects 40 years of Coalition partisanship on the Voice
- Voice to parliament: Liberal supporters of the Voice to launch formal Yes campaign
- Peter Dutton is now engaged in a boots-and-all take-down of the Voice, and Liberals for Yes are in disarray
- Tom Calma says politicians deliberately ‘peddling misinformation’ on Indigenous voice
- Why is it legal to tell lies during the Voice referendum campaign?
- Indigenous voice no campaign targets religious voters who opposed marriage equality
- Peter Dutton, both prophet and protagonist, has made his division manifest
Albanese needs to be more persuasive on the voice – or Dutton’s wrecking ball could break it
Sean Kelly reports in the Sydney Morning Herald (23.1.23) on the political brinkmanship engaged in by the federal Opposition Leader over the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament, suggesting that Peter Dutton is seeking to play a spoiler role ahead of a national referendum.
‘If opponents of the Voice have an advantage, it lies in this fact: that we have become accustomed to politicians offering us clean solutions, as though the world could be reduced to sharp slogans, clear targets, concrete results and simplistic guarantees.
‘This was the world summoned by Peter Dutton in his recent letter to Albanese asking for details in 15 areas. The principle at work is exactly what has failed for so long: the idea that if we could just get this detail right, or that one, then everything would fall into place. The idea is consoling – to the non-Indigenous, anyway – because it makes it seem as though the answer is just around the corner.
‘But it has failed because our long systemic failure over decades has never been a problem of details, but of the whole attitude being wrong. The principle behind the Voice is that our fundamental approach must change: that parliament must ask, and listen, where it has never properly asked and listened before.’
- Voice to Parliament: Peter Dutton doesn’t want details, he wants a fight »
- Dutton presumes to know what voters want on the Voice. They told him at the election »
- Before the Voice: Political posturing and failed ambition »
- Albanese needs to be more persuasive on the voice – or Dutton’s wrecking ball could break it »
- Coalition playing ‘spoiling game’ with Indigenous voice to parliament, Noel Pearson warns »
- Sowing doubt and confusion about an Indigenous voice is Dutton’s game plan »
- Anthony Albanese calls leftwing opponents of voice to parliament ‘radicals’ »
- Uluru statement architect confident of Indigenous voice success despite Invasion Day calls to vote no »
- The Voice is in danger of being drowned out by noise – even before the details are decided »
- Has it been a bad week for the Voice? Yes and No »
- Voice opponents say migrants should be recognised alongside First Nations people »
- Voice to parliament: migrant and refugee groups reject ‘divisive’ no campaign proposal for constitutional recognition »
- Yes and no Voice campaigns battle it out for the migrant vote »
- Indigenous Voice to parliament: Noel Pearson says opponents’ rival model is a diversion »
- Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and John Anderson unite to co-ordinate ‘No’ vote in Voice to Parliament referendum »
- We have always had a voice, but we have never been listened to »
- Peter Dutton to meet with Uluru Statement from the Heart architects over Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum »
- Albanese declares Indigenous voice won’t impact First Nations sovereignty »
- Voice to parliament needs ability to lobby bureaucrats advocate says amid High Court challenge fears »
- NT senator Jacinta Price hits out at Voice proposal, labels Alice Springs funding a ‘bandaid solution’ »
- Liberal senator Andrew Bragg will publicly lobby Peter Dutton to embrace Indigenous voice »
- Albanese backflip on publishing an official Voice pamphlet »
- Pamphlets for voice to parliament could spread misinformation and ‘racist messaging’, leading yes campaigner says »
- Voice to Parliament: Peter Dutton warns campaign that it is on course to fail »
- Peter Dutton says Indigenous voice referendum on track to fail following meeting with working group »
- The Voice: to win the first social media referendum, the Yes camp must incite hope »
- Voice to parliament: Paul Ramsay Foundation donates $5 million to the Yes campaign »
- Yes launch shifts voice conversation back to ‘where it belongs’ – away from politicians »
- Indigenous voice adviser warns vote on knife edge as Liberals say referendum ‘dead’ without conservatives »
- Why Albanese, not Dutton, is the greatest threat to stifling the Voice
- Anthony Albanese accuses Peter Dutton of playing political games over Voice to Parliament referendum
- The Voice debate turned a corner this week but it’s splintered into so many shards that confuse and dazzle
- Leader of Indigenous community Doomadgee concerned Voice to Parliament will not be heard
- Please explain: Premier urges Albo to ‘step up’ promotion of Indigenous voice
- Have Libs decided how they’ll vote in Voice debate? Well, yes and no
- How does the Liberal Party’s Voice policy stack up against the proposed referendum?
- If yes campaign for Indigenous voice loses ‘racists will feel emboldened’, Marcia Langton says
- Remote community leaders in NT, WA call for more information about Voice to Parliament
- Indigenous voice: electoral commission launches campaign to combat misinformation and confusion
- Legal experts criticise suggestions Indigenous voice will have veto power in parliament
- Legal experts weigh in on the Voice’s two most controversial words: ‘executive government’
- Australians should be wary of scare stories comparing the Voice with New Zealand’s Waitangi Tribunal
- Race commissioner warns political leaders not to ‘racialise’ Voice debate
- Voice to parliament: Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann sounds warning over remote communities ahead of Pope Francis meeting
- Multicultural groups are pledging their support for the Voice, but some people say they still know ‘zero’ about it
- How we can avoid political misinformation in the lead-up to the Voice referendum
- What are ‘Advance’ and ‘Fair Australia’, and why are they spearheading the ‘no’ campaign on the Voice?
- If this policy really means so much to our Prime Minister, it’s time he started selling it
- Labor demands investigation into Liberal party’s ‘misleading’ postal vote strategy for the voice
- Labor accuses no campaign of a ‘flat out lie’ after volunteer phone scripts revealed
- No, the Voice to Parliament would not force people to give up their private land
- Racism and democracy: why claims of ‘division by race’ in the NZ election and Voice referendum need challenging