We have 16 new Closing the Gap targets. Will governments now do what’s needed to meet them?

Francis Markham and Bhiamie Williamson write in The Conversation (30.7.20) that the federal government’s new Closing the Gap agreement lacks important detail about who will be responsible for meeting targets.

‘The Morrison government has finally unveiled the long-awaited new National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

‘After more than two years of consultation, and a year of negotiations, Prime Minister Scott Morrison was full of praise for the new agreement, saying it was “realistic” and would have “very meaningful impact”. Coalition of Peaks lead negotiator Aunty Pat Turner similarly described it as a “huge step forward”.

‘The new agreement is an important achievement by the Coalition of Peaks. This is yet another example of Indigenous people exercising their agency and should be applauded.

‘Notwithstanding this, close examination of the new targets reveal both important gains and unanswered questions about power sharing.’

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