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A tale of five cities: applying foresight to shape their futures

Colin Russo explains in The Conversation (21.7.16) how municipal authorities in some Australian cities are using a ‘foresight’ approach to help them better create strategic plans and long-term visions for city development.

‘Mayors, CEOs, citizens and policy analysts are working to create uplifting images of their future cities. Their intended result is clear unifying visions for the city futures they desire.

‘So how can foresight make a difference in cities?

‘… Foresight is synonymous with a transforming, renewable and complex urbanism. Globally, cities are driving change and applying foresight to open their markets and improve collective prosperity and places.

‘The need for sustainable urbanism compels us to update plans not only for physical infrastructure but also for “softer” matters of population, energy, ecology, safety, education, health and seamless connection up, down and across sectors, borders and cultures. The more we think ahead with greater depth and breadth of understanding and co-operation, the better our city futures will be.’

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