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Turnbull pledges $150m for Townsville rail

The Brisbane Times reports (18.5.16) on the Prime Minister’s announcement in Townsville of funding for a new rail freight line to the city’s port. This stands in contrast to state and federal Labor’s preference for investment in a new football stadium for the northern city.

‘Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s first promise to Queensland during the official election campaign is for a Townsville project – but it’s not money for the northern city’s high-priority football stadium.

‘Mr Turnbull on Wednesday pledged $150 million towards the Townsville Eastern Access Rail Corridor.

‘He says the investment will provide a new 8km rail freight line to the city’s port, and address an existing bottleneck in the supply chain.

‘The project will deliver about 300 jobs during the construction phase as well, he said.’

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