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1990 Queensland Cabinet Minutes released

On January 1st, Queensland State Archives (QSA) released the 1990 Cabinet Minutes of the Queensland government after expiry of the 30-year embargo period. The Minutes reveal the decision-making of the Goss Labor government in its first full year in office.

Details of the Minutes can be accessed via QSA’s online search facilities, linked below. TJ Ryan Foundation Research Associate, Chris Salisbury, produced reports for QSA on his research of the Goss Cabinet’s decisions and their background context, also linked below.

‘1990 heralded a new decade with momentous change and significant events unfolding internationally and at home in Queensland. German reunification was achieved following the ‘fall’ of the Berlin Wall in November 1989.

‘… Premier Wayne Goss began the year as he signalled after sweeping into office at the December 1989 state election, leading his government very much from the front as it set about its reform agenda. This first full year of Queensland’s first Labor administration in over three decades was marked by gradual if sometimes landmark (and mostly popular) reform.’

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