Former Assistant Health Minister for the LNP, Dr Davis, writes about the Queensland election in the Brisbane Times (30.1.15).
‘The biggest fraud is yet to be perpetuated. The LNP plan – to have us re-elect them by bribing us with our money through cashing in our vital public assets – would prove disastrous for us in economic and political terms.
‘The case for keeping strategic monopoly assets in public hands had been well made by eminent economists, and is certainly better than the LNP plan to turn them into self-serving pork barrels that, once consumed, are gone forever. Investment in infrastructure and job creation should be done with private venture capital, rather than by churning vital public assets.
‘Falling for the asset lease trick will return the LNP for round two of the broken promises and disastrous performance that has seen Queensland spiralling downwards. …
‘The ballot box is the only opportunity to salvage and restore our priceless democracy, and with it the trust so essential for sustainable opportunities and community wellbeing.’