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Election 2016: LNP’s Michelle Landry warned job creation an election decider in Capricornia

The ABC’s Johnathan Hair reports (8.6.16) on the election campaign visiting the key marginal seat of Capricornia in central Queensland, where job creation and unemployment are perceived to be the main issues for voters.

Held by the LNP’s Michelle Landry on a margin of 0.8 per cent, the seat has traditionally been a Labor stronghold, only being lost to the non-Labor side on three occasions in the last 55 years. On the two occasions prior to the 2013 election, the seat was held by a Coalition party for only a single term before returning to Labor.

‘Central Queensland locals say job creation is the election-deciding issue in the Capricornia electorate, held by the Liberal National Party by the slimmest of margins.

‘The LNP’s Michelle Landry holds the expansive, mining-reliant electorate by just 0.8 per cent, the second smallest margin in the state for the party. She is being challenged by Labor’s Leisa Neaton.

‘The coal town of Moranbah is located in the heart of the electorate and has been suffering through the downturn in the resources sector.’

ALP targets LNP’s Ewen Jones’s Herbert seat amid rising unemployment

The ABC’s George Roberts reports (9.6.16) on Labor’s campaign strategy targeting the electorate of Herbert in north Queensland. The seat, based around the city of Townsville, is held by the LNP’s Ewen Jones on a margin of 6.2 per cent. Apart from the terms of the Hawke and Keating governments, when the seat was held by Labor’s Ted Lindsay, it has remained in the hands of the Liberal Party over the last 50 years.

‘The Federal Opposition is targeting rising unemployment in the Townsville-based seat of Herbert as part of its campaign to win seven seats from the Liberal National Party in the election battleground state of Queensland.

‘Incumbent MP Ewen Jones holds the north Queensland seat with a margin of more than 6 per cent, but two challengers believe they have a chance.

‘The unemployment rate in Townsville has almost trebled in the past five years to 13.9 per cent.’

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