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Election 2016: MPs giving taxpayer funds to Liberal Party-linked company and donor

James Robertson reports in the Brisbane Times (8.6.16) on revelations that Liberal Party federal MPs have been paying money from their members’ allowances to a company with ties to the party, and which has donated large sums back to the party in recent years.

‘You don’t know it, but you might be one of the Liberal Party’s largest donors.

‘A company Liberal MPs direct taxpayer funds towards to monitor voter behaviour has become a major source of income for the party, raising questions about whether taxpayers are indirectly donating to the Liberals.

‘Fairfax Media can reveal nearly all Liberal MPs pay a company, Parakeelia Pty Ltd, $2500 a year to use “Feedback” software, money understood to come from their taxpayer-funded office allowances.

‘Parakeelia is registered to the same inner-Canberra office building as the Liberals. The company’s directors include the Liberal Party’s federal director, Tony Nutt, and president, Richard Alston. It is registered with authorities as being associated with the party.

‘Last financial year, Parakeelia transferred $500,000 to the federal Liberal division, making it the party’s second-biggest single source of funds. The year before it came in fourth with $400,000; before that $200,000.’

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