Stewart Lockie writes in The Conversation (8.6.16) about the main issues concerning people in rural and regional Australia, and how these issues are being addressed – or not – by the major parties in this federal election campaign.
‘Rural and regional Australia is a big place. That’s obvious enough. Still, it’s easy to forget that the communities and industries of non-metropolitan Australia are diverse. They face a variety of challenges and often have different, if not competing, stakes in government policy.
‘But what are the issues that deserve attention leading up to the 2016 federal election? While not everyone living in rural and regional Australia will see eye-to-eye on how these issues should be resolved, I will return to this list closer to election day to see just how many have made their way onto the national political agenda.’
- Election 2016: the issues in non-metropolitan Australia »
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- Election 2016: how well are the major parties meeting the needs of rural and regional Australia? »
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