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Election 2016: What mothers want in marginal Queensland seat of Capricornia

The ABC’s Blythe Moore reports (20.5.16) on some of the main issues facing voters, especially parents of young children, in the Queensland federal seat of Capricornia during this election campaign.

‘Childcare affordability and paid parental leave are weighing heavily on the minds of mothers in the marginal seat of Capricornia in central Queensland.

‘The Coalition will be keen to hold on to the seat, which has traditionally been a Labor stronghold. Michelle Landry won Capricornia in 2013 with a margin of just 0.8 per cent.

‘Mother-of-one Hayley Chadwick, who will cast her vote in Capricornia, said she was closely following planned changes to the Paid Parental Leave Scheme [PPLS].

‘She said if the scheme was scaled back, it might impact whether she and her husband had a second child.’

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