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Election 2016: Where do the crossbenchers stand on the major issues?

The ABC’s Uma Patel reports (8.7.16) on the continuing uncertainty over the federal election result, and analyses the policy positions of the crossbench members of both houses of Parliament, whose support may be needed to form government.

‘The ballots are in but the result of Saturday’s election is still unclear, as counting continues and a hung parliament remains a possibility.

‘There are 150 members in the House of Representatives, so to have an outright majority, either the Coalition or Labor needs to secure 76 seats.

‘If either party fails to reach that magic number, they will need to negotiate with independents and minor parties to gain enough support — and secure the confidence of the Governor-General.

‘In those negotiations, they are likely to have to consider changing their own policies and adopting others. Whichever party forms government will also face troubles in the Senate.

‘Both sides face the possibility of having to navigate two crossbenches — one in the Upper House and one in the Lower House. Most of the election was fought on the policies of the two major parties, but the independents and minor parties have some ideas of their own.’

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