Paul Osborne reports for Yahoo7 News (25.5.16), interviewing Professor Anne Tiernan about the hampered progress of a number of federal accountability reviews, now in limbo since the Parliament was dissolved and the government placed into caretaker mode.
‘Accountability has taken a holiday during the election campaign.
‘With both houses of parliament dissolved and the government in caretaker mode, a raft of reports and reviews won’t see the light of day until well after the July 2 federal election.
‘Among these are at least 14 reports by the auditor-general – which runs an eye over all government spending and management of taxpayer-funded programs – which were due to be released in May and June.
‘As well, MPs and senators are not required during the campaign to update their pecuniary interest register entries.
‘A note on the parliament website says the register has “closed”, but all members elected on July 2 will be asked to lodge a statement of interests which includes “any alterations and relevant gifts received since the date of dissolution”.’