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Even if he keeps the top job, Malcolm Turnbull’s troubles have only just begun

Carol Johnson writes in The Conversation (4.7.16) about the implications of the uncertain federal election outcome for Malcolm Turnbull’s Prime Ministership and leadership of the Liberal Party.

‘Whatever the final seat count, the 2016 election has gone badly wrong for Malcolm Turnbull. This was meant to be the election that would award him a resounding mandate and provide sufficient numbers in the combined House of Representatives and Senate to pass key legislation easily.

‘But, at best, Turnbull will be forming a government with only a narrow majority. In a much-less-desirable outcome, he’ll be negotiating with minor parties and independents to form a minority government in a hung parliament. In the worst scenario of all for the Coalition (though it seems less likely at this stage), Labor could form a minority government.

‘Alternatively, Australia may need to go to another election to resolve matters.

‘As when he was previously leader of the Liberal Party, Turnbull’s political judgement is being seriously questioned.’

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