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Font furore breaks out over referendum pamphlets

Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (26.2.16) on public disquiet over material distributed by the Electoral Commission of Queensland to promote the upcoming referendum on fixed four-year parliamentary terms in Queensland.

‘Queensland’s historical referendum on four-year parliamentary terms has been overshadowed by a brochure brouhaha, which has seen the ‘no’ case, led by two cross benchers, presented less prominently than the ‘yes’ case supported by every other member of parliament.

‘The David and Goliath political battle to extend Queensland’s parliamentary terms by one year with a fixed election date will be decided by the people, with a referendum needed before any changes to the state’s constitution can be made.

‘But with no advertising, other than a distribution of the arguments to voters by the Electoral Commission of Queensland, debate on the matter, which will be decided at the same time as the local government elections, has been muted.

‘That’s largely because both Labor and the LNP are in favour of the change.’

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