- The Finance and Administration Committee is inquiring jointly into the following matters involving possible changes to the duration of terms for the Queensland Parliament:
- a general inquiry into the introduction of four year terms to the Queensland Parliament
- the Constitution (Fixed Term Parliament) Amendment Bill 2015
- the Constitution (Fixed Term Parliament) Referendum Bill 2015.
A possible change to parliamentary terms is an important matter for all Queenslanders to consider, and any decision regarding a constitutional referendum to effect this change should be made in consultation with all members and stakeholders in the community.
The committee will be holding public forums across the state to consult with Queenslanders. These forums are an opportunity for the community to hear more about what is being proposed, to ask the committee any questions and to tell the committee their views on possible changes to parliamentary terms.
The Brisbane Forum will be held on Thursday 1 October 2015, starting at 6.30pm, in the Parliamentary Annex, Parliament House.
The committee is also calling for written submissions addressing any aspect of the terms of reference and Bills. Submissions close at 4:00pm on Tuesday 20 October 2015.
(Committee secretariat contacts: 07 3553 6637 or email at fac@parliament.qld.gov.au.)