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Labor on the brink of a shock election win in Queensland

Liz Minchin, Queensland editor of The Conversation interviewed a number of people about why there has been such a strong swing to Labor.

‘Former Gold Coast police detective turned criminologist Terry Goldsworthy said law and order was also a deciding factor – but perhaps not in the way that the government expected. In the two leaders’ debates on Friday and a week ago, Premier Newman alleged that Labor had benefited from secret criminal bikie gang donations, via unions. But Newman was unable to produce evidence to back up the claim, undermining that attack, and one union is now suing the LNP.

“One thing in clear from tonight’s result, democracy is alive and well in Queensland, and both major parties need to start listening to the people again,” Dr Goldsworthy said. “The people have spoken and they want consultative and considered social policy.”’

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