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Liberals adopt new rule to stop the revolving prime ministership

Michelle Grattan writes in The Conversation (3.12.18) about the federal Liberal Party adopting new rules to make it more difficult for a inner-party challenger to unseat a sitting prime minister.

‘Scott Morrison has announced a major change in Liberal party rules to ensure a prime minister who wins an election serves the full term, unless two thirds of the party decides otherwise.

‘Morrison said the Liberal party had heard the public and was responding.

‘The entire party understood “the frustration and the disappointment that Australians have felt when governments and prime ministers that they have elected, under their authority, under their power, have been taken from them through the actions of politicians here in Canberra,” he said at a joint news conference with Liberal deputy Josh Frydenberg on Monday night.

‘This had happened with the Liberal party as well as Labor, Morrison said. “We acknowledge it and we take responsibility for it.”

‘The Australian people were “sick of it and we’re sick of it and it has to stop,” he said.’

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