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LNP likely to secure Toowoomba South seat as counting continues

Amy Mitchell-Whittington reports in the Brisbane Times (17.7.16) on the result of the by-election in the state seat of Toowoomba South, which has been held by the conservative parties in Queensland for over forty years.

‘Counting has resumed in the Toowoomba South by-election race, with the LNP expected to retain the seat and continue its seven-year run.

‘As of Sunday morning, LNP candidate and banker David Janetzki had claimed 46.38 per cent of primary votes, followed by Independent Di Thorley on 35.11 per cent, with 81 per cent counted.

‘The Darling Downs-based seat was up for grabs when Liberal National Party MP John McVeigh vacated the seat after his successful election to federal parliament.

‘Labor didn’t run a candidate in the seat, which has been in either LNP hands or its parent party the Nationals since 1974.’

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