Mike Ahern, former Queensland premier, dead at 81

Kirrin McKechnie reports for ABC News (11.8.23) on the death of former Premier Mike Ahern, remembered for his integrity and commitment to implement Fitzgerald Report recommendations “lock, stock and barrel”.

‘Former Queensland premier Mike Ahern has died at the age of 81. The National Party leader only served as premier for two years, but he presided over one of the most tumultuous periods in Queensland’s history.

‘After taking over the leadership from Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Mr Ahern governed during the explosive Fitzgerald Inquiry into official corruption.

‘Yet Mr Ahern is largely overlooked in political history — dwarfed by the controversial Bjelke-Petersen era and then later by Wayne Goss’s election victory that brought Labor out of 32 years of political wilderness.

‘But Mr Ahern will be remembered as a man of integrity who steered Queensland through a time of crisis. In a statement, Mr Ahern’s family said he was a man who “often fought against the will of his peers for the greater good of the people”.’

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