One Nation attracts rural voters with promise to upset the status quo

The ABC’s Caitlyn Gribbin reports (29.1.17) on the rising popularity of the One Nation Party in rural and regional areas of both Queensland and Western Australia as the latter state approaches an election.

‘Pauline Hanson insists One Nation is capable of running a government, as her party prepares to contest the West Australian and Queensland polls, due within the next year or so. But how prepared is One Nation to govern, who are Senator Hanson’s supporters and what do voters think they’re buying from her?

‘… Once you get out of the big cities, it’s not hard to find people warming to Senator Hanson’s style. Not everyone agrees with all her views, but her plain speaking on immigration does resonate and people feel like she’s standing up for their jobs and their towns.

‘Ms Hanson isn’t afraid to pick a fight with the major political parties, but some supporters concede One Nation may not quite be up to running a Government.

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