Felicity Caldwell reports in the Brisbane Times (8.2.17) on indications that the Katter’s Australian Party MPs in Queensland are negotiating a preference deal with Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party ahead of the next state election.
‘Katter’s Australian Party will not be bound to any policy positions or support in Queensland’s Parliament if it agrees to a deal with One Nation. One Nation plans to make an announcement on Friday outside the Queensland Parliament related to sitting MPs, and there has also been speculation of a KAP-One Nation deal.
‘KAP state leader Robbie Katter said there were no agreements yet with other minor parties, such as One Nation, but confirmed his party was having discussions with others who “want to see the power of the major parties reduced. We believe for the upcoming election it is vital to ensure the major party duopoly is not restored,” Mr Katter said.
‘The next state election is not due until May 2018 but is widely expected to be held in the second half of 2017. Commentators expect One Nation will secure as many as 12 seats in the next Queensland Parliament. But Mr Katter said if a preference deal was struck, KAP would not be bound to any policy positions or support in the Parliament.