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One Nation dumps Queensland candidate Shan Ju Lin

Cameron Atfield reports in the Brisbane Times (8.1.17) on One Nation’s dumping of its former candidate for the state seat of Bundamba after her repeated comments disparaging homosexual people, in further signs of the party’s disparate membership and fractious nature.

‘Federal One Nation leader Pauline Hanson personally intervened to dump a Queensland state candidate, with party officials breaking the news to Shan Ju Lin in a message delivered through Facebook.

‘Senator Hanson revoked Ms Lin’s endorsement as the state candidate for Bundamba on Saturday night, following a since-deleted Facebook post Ms Lin that said gay people engaged in “abnormal sexual behaviour” and “should be treated as patients”.

‘One Nation party officials wrote to Ms Lin on Saturday night via Facebook Messenger to inform her of the party’s decision.

‘… “These are not the views shared by Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, nor the views of your fellow candidates and the general public”.

‘In December, Ms Lin said Senator Hanson was right to warn about Australia being swamped by Asians 20 years ago.

‘Also last month, fellow Queensland candidate Andy Semple withdrew as the candidate for the seat of Currumbin after he refused to remove controversial social media comments.’

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