Only one third of Queensland’s election candidates are women

Rachel Clun reports in the Brisbane Times (17.11.17) on Fairfax Media analysis which found that only 142 out of a total 449 candidates in the 2017 state election are women. The author speaks with TJ Ryan Foundation Research Associate, Chris Salisbury, about why this doesn’t come as a surprise.

‘About 30 per cent of Queensland election candidates are women, with just one woman running for Katter’s Australian Party. Analysis by Fairfax Media has found 142 out of a total 449 candidates (or 31.6 per cent) are women.

‘At 44 per cent, the Greens had the most balanced field of candidates, with 41 women and 52 men. Almost 40 per cent of Labor’s candidates were women (37 out of 93 candidates) and there were 26 women in the LNP’s mix of 93 representatives – a total of 28 per cent.

‘Dr Chris Salisbury, from the University of Queensland’s school of political science and international studies, said he did not think the numbers were surprising.

‘”I think it’s only really been in the last decade that we’ve seen a radical shift away from an overwhelming male-dominated Parliament and political landscape at election times,” he said. “But I think it perhaps does speak to what has been a greater regional focus in this particular election.

‘”I suppose the very obvious and oft talked-about rise of parties especially on the right, like One Nation, which have tended to and I believe have again fielded overwhelmingly male candidates.”

‘Just 18 per cent of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation candidates were women, and Katter’s Australian Party and the Civil Liberties, Consumer Rights, No Tolls party had one woman each.

‘It was not just political parties with fewer women: only 27 per cent of independent candidates were women.’

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