Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (2.6.16) on calls by the state Parliament’s Speaker, Peter Wellington, for the Premier to instigate her promised inquiry into political donations in Queensland.
‘It is time to look into political donations in Queensland, independent MP Peter Wellington said, nearly a year-and-a-half after the Palaszczuk Government promised him it would launch an inquiry into the issue.
‘The Nicklin MP, who has written to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to ask for an update on where the government is with its investigation into real-time disclosure of political donations, gave Ms Palaszczuk his support to lead Queensland, after she made a range of commitments, including a royal-commission-style inquiry into donations.
‘But since then, the government has delayed instigating the inquiry, which it wants the Crime and Corruption Commission to carry out, using a range of excuses including the lack of permanent chair for the CCC and then later the PCCC. Most recently, it claimed the change of PCCC chair, with Lawrence Springborg now at the helm, was the final piece of the puzzle needed to go ahead.’