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PUP ‘big loser out of latest polls’

PUP falling in the polls

‘The Queensland election is still too close to call, but the Palmer United Party has lost support in almost every state according to the latest poll.’ Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (27.11.14) that ‘the most recent Morgan Poll, which questioned 1179 Queenslanders about their voting intention and preferred premier through text between November 21 and 24, found the LNP and Labor were separated by just one per cent on a two-party preferred basis, 50.5 per cent to 49.5 per cent.

On primary vote, Labor was down 1.5 points on 36.5 per cent, while the LNP gained .5 per cent from last month to reach 39 per cent. The Greens dropped half a percentage to 9.5 per cent, while PUP was down two to 4 per cent. Katter’s Australian Party seemed to benefit by the PUP drop, picking up 1.5 points to 3.5 per cent.

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