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Tanya Plibersek’s speech to QUT Women in Leadership Dialogue

On Thursday, 10 June 2021, Labor’s Tanya Plibersek MP, Shadow Minister for Education and Shadow Minister for Women, delivered a speech as part of the Queensland University of Technology’s Women in Leadership Dialogue series. The full text of Ms Plibersek’s speech can be found in the document linked below.

‘… Leadership has to mean something more than winning the daily news cycle or the latest Newspoll. More than making flashy promises – and then losing interest in their delivery.

‘It’s not about how carefully you choreograph tomorrow’s media announcement. Or how many flags you line up behind your press conference. This might be the superficial face of leadership – but it’s not its substance.

‘Real leadership is about acknowledging the true, unavoidable problems facing a country. And it’s about confronting them honestly – being prepared to take responsibility for solving them.’

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