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Trump and Brexit won’t kill globalisation – we’re too far in

Thomas Sigler writes in The Conversation (6.3.17) that, in the wake of the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump, people are clearly unhappy with the current state of affairs. But the author argues that this is happening despite globalisation, not because of it.

‘In Donald Trump’s long-awaited address to Congress, he said a “new national pride” was “sweeping across” the nation. He went on: “What we are witnessing today is the renewal of the American spirit”.

‘With Trump’s electoral victory, as well as the Brexit vote, many of the assumptions underlying the future of globalisation have been put into question.

‘This, together with the rise of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation in Australia and other populist parties in Europe, indicates large components of the voting population want trade relations severed, borders enforced, and refugees more tightly screened.

‘So are we witnessing the reversal of decades of globalisation and moving back toward the nation-state as a political and economic ideal?’

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