Productivity Commission report explores radical changes to government services

The ABC’s Dan Conifer reports (5.12.16) on a new report from the Productivity Commission which argues for the privatisation of several government services in the medical, dental and housing fields.

‘Public hospital patients could benefit from doctors and health services publicly reporting their performance, the Productivity Commission says in a report exploring radical changes to government services.

‘The commission also said injecting greater competition into six services, including social housing, dental care and remote Indigenous services, could benefit the public.

‘The report said public hospital patients overseas had more choice over their care. “Overseas experience shows that user choice can lead to improved service quality and efficiency when patients are able to plan services in advance and access useful information,” the report said.

‘”In Australia, this would require more user-oriented information on the clinical outcomes achieved by individual hospitals and doctors.”

‘… Treasurer Scott Morrison earlier this year tasked the commission with examining whether human services could benefit from more private involvement.

‘The report marks the end of the first stage of the commission’s investigation. Its final report is due in October.’

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