Felicity Caldwell reports in the Brisbane Times (30.5.17) on a Queensland Ausitor-General’s report into recent government advertising, which found that the largest spend was for the Newman Government’s ‘Strong Choices’ asset sales promotion.
‘The Queensland public sector spent $193 million on advertising campaigns in the past three financial years.
‘About half of the spending was by the government’s 21 departments, and the rest was spent by universities, TAFE and other public sector entities.
‘The Newman government’s Strong Choices campaign was the biggest advertising spend over the three years, at $7.6 million in 2013-14 and $3.7 million in 2014-15.
‘The spending was examined in a Queensland Audit Office report into government advertising.
‘It includes the cost of placing ads but does not include the cost of planning, creating or evaluating campaigns.
‘Strong Choices cost the state more than $70 million in advertising, scoping studies and consultation and was blamed for contributing to the Newman government’s loss at the 2015 election.’