Review of Queensland public employment laws

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has released (4.3.20) a report on Queensland’s public employment laws, A Fair and Responsive Public Service for All, compiled by TJ Ryan Foundation Research Associate, Peter Bridgman.

‘Queensland’s public services are essential to delivery of services to the community, and to meeting the Government’s priorities, set out in Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities.

‘The A Fair and Responsive Public Service for All report (the Bridgman Review) is the outcome of an extensive independent review of the Public Service Act 2008 and other Queensland public employment laws (including the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011). The review was undertaken by Mr Peter Bridgman and is the first review of public sector laws since the late 1980s.

‘The review was commissioned by the government to ensure Queenslanders have the most responsive, consistent and reliable public service possible. A public service that is fair, an employer of choice, and a leader in public administration.’

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