Frank Brennan on the proposed Human Rights legislation
On Saturday 29 October, at the ALP State Conference on the Gold Coast, the Premier announced that her government intended to introduce a Human Rights Bill into the Queensland Parliament.
At one of the ‘fringe events’ at the conference, ‘Human Rights, right now: how do we best protect human rights in 2016?’, Senator Murray Watt (and former human rights lawyer) moderated a discussion in which Professor Fr Frank Brennan, Chair of the Rudd Government’s investigation of an Australian Bill of Rights, took part.
Professor Brennan gave seven suggestions on how to make a Human Rights Act effective in Queensland.
Susan Harris-Rimmer on why Queensland should have human rights legislation
In ‘Queensland’s proposed Human Rights legisation: look beyond stereotypes to a unique statement of values’, Associate Professor Susan Harris-Rimmer provides an overview of why Queensland should have human rights legislation and the precedents set in the ACT and Victoria.