Human Rights Act for Queensland

Frank Brennan on the proposed Human Rights legislation

On Saturday 29 October, at the ALP State Conference on the Gold Coast, the Premier announced that her government intended to introduce a Human Rights Bill into the Queensland Parliament.

At one of the ‘fringe events’ at the conference, ‘Human Rights, right now: how do we best protect human rights in 2016?’, Senator Murray Watt (and former human rights lawyer) moderated a discussion in which Professor Fr Frank Brennan, Chair of the Rudd Government’s investigation of an Australian Bill of Rights, took part.

Professor Brennan gave seven suggestions on how to make a Human Rights Act effective in Queensland.

Susan Harris-Rimmer on why Queensland should have human rights legislation

In ‘Queensland’s proposed Human Rights legisation: look beyond stereotypes to a unique statement of values’, Associate Professor Susan Harris-Rimmer provides an overview of why Queensland should have human rights legislation and the precedents set in the ACT and Victoria.

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