The ABC’s Chris O’Brien reports (13.9.16) on the state government’s proposed changes to the former Newman government’s ‘VLAD’ anti-bikie gang laws, introduced this week into the Queensland Parliament after a long process of review and consultation.
‘It makes sense for the Queensland Government to phase in some of its proposed new laws against organised crime, Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) chairman Alan MacSporran says.
‘The laws, to be introduced into State Parliament today, are part of the Labor Government’s attempt to overhaul the LNP administration’s VLAD and anti-gang laws with its Serious and Organised Crime Amendment Bill, the exact wording of which will be tabled for the first time by the Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath.
‘The Government said its version of the legislation would create new offences, increase some penalties and target all forms of serious organised crime including child sexual exploitation, boiler room fraud and involvement with outlaw motorcycle gangs.
‘If passed later this year by the hung parliament, some of the changes — including a restricted premises order and the replacement of anti-association laws with a new consorting offence — would have a two-year transition period. Mr MacSporran welcomed that move.’