Proposed Queensland crime laws will create new offences, increase some penalties

The ABC’s Chris O’Brien reports (30.8.16) on proposed changes to the previous Newman Government’s anti-bikie laws, which the Palaszczuk Government argues will remove flaws that rendered the prior laws indiscriminate and potentially invalid.

‘Crossbench MPs will decide the form of Queensland’s crime laws, with the Government and Opposition at loggerheads over Labor’s plan to overhaul the previous LNP administration’s suite of anti-gang laws.

‘The Serious and Organised Crime Amendment Bill will be introduced into the hung parliament on September 13 following consultation with stakeholders, and will be referred to a parliamentary committee before the debate begins.

‘The Opposition is yet to see the final wording of the complex legislation but is set to vote against it, leaving the fate of the amendments in the hands of the five crossbench members.

‘Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Labor’s legislation would create new offences, increase some penalties and focus on more than bikies.’

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