Queensland locks up more under 12yos than other states, Amnesty International says

The ABC’s Allyson Horn reports (31.8.16) on the release of details from an Amnesty International investigation into Queensland’s youth detention centres and youth justice system, which found that more and younger youth offenders are incarcerated in this state than in others.

‘Queensland tops the country for locking up children under 12 years old, a report into the state’s youth detention centres has found.

‘The Amnesty International report looked at the practices of the state’s two detention centres in Townsville and Brisbane.

‘It found Queensland had the country’s highest proportion of 10 and 11-year-old children being locked up.

‘Amnesty International Director Claire Mallinson said the practice breached international law.

‘… Amnesty International has called on the Government to increase the age of criminal responsibility to 12 years, making it illegal to send the younger children to detention.’

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