The black holes in LNP and Labor plans to fix Qld’s debt

Mark McGovern discusses the economic policies of the LNP and the ALP in The Conversation (23.1.15).  He finds ‘black holes’ in both plans, but is particularly critical of the LNP’s proposal to ‘lease’ public assets:

‘Under the LNP plan, the cash hits now (within five years). With 99-year “leases”, assets apparently provide over 90 years of no returns to Queenslanders, exacerbating both future budget and income issues.

That means more than 90 years of not receiving the current (and likely rising) A$1.7 billion annual income from government-owned corporations, and interest cross-subsidies. Naively, that’s more than A$150 billion gone in the long-term for perhaps a historically high A$37 billion today.’

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