The true state of Queensland debt

Fabrizio Carmignani, Professor, Griffith Business School at Griffith University, asks in The Conversation, 29.1.15) ‘How much debt is Queensland really in?’

‘How much of that debt can past Labor governments bear responsibility for, and has the current Liberal National government cut or added to it? And how does Queensland’s debt compare, both within Australia and up against other countries? This is an article for anyone wanting to know the answers to those questions and more – including the many readers who requested an explanation on the state’s debt after my recent article on Queensland’s economy. For those interested in the technicalities of where I got my data from, and why I chose to look at the ratio of debt to Gross State Product, that’s all explained in notes at the end of this article. But for everyone else, let’s move straight to what the data shows.’

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