In an article on John Menadue’s ‘Pearls and Irritations’ website, Linda Simon disusses the TAFE disaster – how we got here and what needs to be done: ‘Hearing or reading about vocational education and training (VET) today, we expect it to be another story of rorts and wrongdoings. And it is an horrific story, a story of for-profit private providers accessing public funding and not delivering the education and training students expected. It is a story of a number of private providers using brokers to search out vulnerable and naïve prospective students, and signing them up to a lifetime’s debt with promises of free courses and iPads. How did we get to such a position in such a short time?’
- Is this the technical and further education system we need? »
- Improving participation and success in VET for disadvantaged learners »
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution: the implications of technological disruption for Australian VET »
- Skills for a global future »
- The student journey: skilling for life »
- VET and higher education pathways – do outcomes differ for the same occupation? »