Madonna King (Brisbane Times 26.3.15) writes:
‘A sizeable challenge lies ahead for new Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, and how she handles it will dictate the authority she wields for the next three years.’
‘Ironically, that test is likely to come from within her own side – the Labor party’s trade union movement – and that could make it considerably more difficult to navigate.’
King concludes:
‘So far, the strategy has been on message: a consultative government that will listen to business and the unions and forge a way ahead.
‘But it’s a big stretch to argue that the decisions that will be needed over the next three years will be applauded equally by both unions and business.
‘And that’s when it will get tricky for the Premier, and the government she leads with a wafer-thin majority of one (and an Independent at that).
‘Business says it was pleased to be invited to a government briefing, just after the election, and on the same day unions attended.
‘But they continue to watch Palaszczuk and her Labor team closely, and with the first sign of a step to the Left they’re ready to call a halt to the dance.