So much for consensus: Morrison government’s industrial relations bill is a business wish list

Jim Stanford writes in The Conversation (10.12.20) about the federal Coalition’s planned changes to workplace laws, suggesting the Morrison government’s industrial relations bill will tip the scales further against employees.

‘“We are all in this together,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison solemnly intoned in April – and for a brief few months, in the face of the economic crisis wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, Australia’s industrial relations protagonists agreed.

‘Business groups, unions and governments put aside their usual differences and worked together to minimise job losses. They quickly negotiated alterations to dozens of awards and enterprise agreements, adjusting rules and rosters to help keep Australians on the job.

‘Then, in late May, seeing opportunity in that spirit of cooperation, Morrison heralded a new consensus-based approach to industrial relations.

‘… Now, in the absence of consensus, the government has picked up its traditional hymn book and is once again singing the praises of “flexibility”.’

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