Australia’s politics only barrier to clean energy system, report finds

Michael Slezak reports in The Guardian (5.10.17) on the release of a new Climate Council report which finds agreement among experts and authorities that there are no technological or economic obstacles to a grid powered by renewable sources.

‘Politics is the only barrier to modernising Australia’s ageing electricity system, according to a synthesis report by the Climate Council.

‘The council found there was agreement among a series of major independent reports that there were no technological or economic barriers to a clean, secure, affordable and reliable grid.

‘The Climate Council report coincides with international law firm Pinsent Masons’ release of research findings that 90% of energy utility companies around the world are actively seeking acquisitions or joint ventures with companies that implement smart energy technologies like batteries, vehicle-to-grid technology and smart meters, but policy uncertainty is limiting investment in Australia.

‘Within a decade, more than one-third of Australia’s coal plants in the national electricity market will be more than 50 years old – after which the vast majority of coal plants fail to operate.’

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